IN257150 - A primer set and a process for the
detection of L3 larval stage of Wuchereria
IN269659 - A composition for selectively
eliminating a microorganism or a group of
microorganisms from biological sample
IN283894 - A novel Salmonella typhi protein as
subunit vaccine
IN310696 - Formulation with recombinant human lung
surfactant protein SP-D for sexually transmitted
infections including HIV.
IN327506 - Loop mediated isothermal amplification
(LAMP) assay for a reliable and rapid diagnosis of
leishmania infection.
IN344829 - Improved process for the production of
Cyclosporin-A using the fungus Tolypocladium sp.
strain NRRL No: 18950
IN348323 - In-vitro detection of human parvovirus
IN348281 - Gluten and casein free cookie
IN371495 - RNAi based therapeutic strategy for
controlling Chikungunya virus infection.
IN380417 - Rapid detection of drug resistant
plasmodium falciparum through a novel approach
using loop mediated isothermal amplification
IN391961 - A process for the preparation of a
fibrinolytic enzyme.
IN333035 - Alginate Chitosan Nano-Formulations of
OmpA-a Shigella protein subunit
IN396698 - A composition for the treatment of
liver disease.
IN402534 - CP – An antimicrobial peptide, a
process of preparation, and a method of
attenuating microbes thereof.
IN405747 - In-vitro detection of herpes simplex
IN410956 - A process for engineering nucleotide
IN421140 - A novel fumigation methodology for
antibacterial action
IN429781 - Assay to investigate multiple genes as
host genetic risk markers for Enterovirus71
infection severity
IN536188 - Composition for management of Vibrio
cholerae induced diarrhea
IN536188 - A bioactive composite deposited
osteo-implant and a process for preparing the same
IN431100 - A peptide to neutralize
lipopolysaccharide molecule
IN426216 - A novel molecular diagnostic technique
for detecting different species of plasmodium
IN434799 - Formulation of fortified soy yogurt for
anti-hypercholestrolemic effect
IN435514 - MAPCON-A Consensus based Myeloid
Anti-Microbial Peptide
IN435940 - A process for the production of
dehairing enzyme useful for the industry as a
by-product from a bacterial larvicide
IN438631 - Sulphadoxine and pyrimethamine (sp)
resistance in plasmodium falciparum, through
loop-mediated isothermal amplification (LAMP)
IN451103 - Digital Magnivisualizer
IN451267 - An Improved alcoholic composition and
methodology therefore
IN452521 - Nano-engineered biodegradable
IN458643 - A novel pro-apoptotic peptide for
selective elimination of malignant cells
IN462107 - Neuro drill stencil trainer
IN462167 - Bio-waste based coil for mosquito
control; patent app. Title: A combustible coil
IN467810 - Design and synthesis of herbal
anti-diabetic compound isolated from Eugenia
IN471729 - Paper disc based method for determining
the drug susceptibility of Mycobacterium
IN484477 - A Squa-Tool Apparatus
IN490754 - Structure of eco-friendly mosquito
larvae trapping device. Generated from novel
IN493164 - Tricompartmental Microcarriers with
Controlled Release for Efficient Management of
Parkinson's Disease
IN501025 - Neuro endoscope box trainer
IN502420 - A multi-serotype outer membrane
vesicles (MOMV) of Shigellae as a novel candidate
IN513045 - A cell line for CD 155/PVR knockout
IN514056 - A non-invasive system for detection of
analytes and applications thereof
IN539301 - Plant extract based composition useful
for Leishmania promastigotes
IN540527 - Herbal formulation for the treatment of
menopausal syndrome
IN543446 - Wireless mouse and keyboard device for
IN543698 - Device for developing germfree and
gnotobiotic mosquitoes