Various Government Schemes to Support Intellectual Property Management

IP Mitra – SIPP IP Mitra under the Startups Intellectual Property Protection (SIPP) scheme offers professional IP services at subsidized rates to startups. It supports patent filing, trademark registration, and other IPR activities to boost innovation and entrepreneurship. This scheme provides reimbursement of professional fee of IP facilitators/IP Mitras.

MSME Innovative Scheme (Incubation, Design, and IPR) This scheme provides financial and technical support to Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) for innovative projects. It includes components like incubation, design interventions, and IPR protection to enhance competitiveness and marketability. This scheme provides reimbursement to MSMEs for IP Filing/registration. This scheme also provides grant for setting up Intellectual Property facilitation Centre (IPFC) in milestone-based instalments.

KAPILA: Kalam Program for IP Literacy and Awareness: KAPILA aims to create awareness about Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) among students and faculty in higher education institutions. It encourages the filing of patents and fosters innovation by providing training and resources for IPR literacy. This scheme provides reimbursement of official fee for Patent filing and examination

WIPO - Technology Innovation Support Centre (TISC) - Outreach Centre India’s 3rdTechnology Innovation Support Centre (TISC) has been set up in National Research Development Corporation under the aegis of WIPO of United Nations through CIPAM, DPIIT, Ministry of Commerce & Industry, Govt. of India. The TISC Outreach Centre facilitates access to high-quality technology information and related services. It supports innovators in acquiring and managing IPRs, strengthening innovation ecosystems, and fostering collaboration in technology development.